Call for MAKERS
The Art House in Worcester is the venue for the 'Illustrating Mental Health' symposium and exhibition 8-9 November 2019
We would now like to put out a call for makers, to invite proposals for an accompanying exhibition that will address the theme of the symposium ‘illustrating mental health’, which can include but is not limited to:
o The use of illustration to depict mental health issues
o Graphic memoirs, autobiographical graphic novels on the subject of mental
o Historical depictions of mental health
o Medical illustrations of mental health conditions
o Trauma illustrated / unlocking trauma
o The use of illustration in art therapy
o Co-produced illustration with those with lived experience of mental health issueso Illustration as self-help, colouring books, visualisation exercises
o Craft, illustration and making for wellbeing
o Illustration that enables children to understand mental health issues
o Illustrators working with adults with dementia
o How can images help when language has left the body?
o Narratives of the unconscious; psychoanalytic approaches to illustration
o Archetypes in storytelling and myth as metaphor for psychological dynamics
o Does contemporary image culture contribute to mental distress?
o The pathologised imagination – art produced in medical or institutional contexts
We welcome proposals for exhibits in the form of images, artefacts and performance based work
We also welcome visualised research in the form of poster presentations.
Please send up to 3 images and a 100 word statement about the work in pdf format to Desdemona McCannon [d.mccannon@worc.ac.uk] and Tobias Hickey [t.hickey@worc.ac.uk] by Friday July 5th.
Hi resolution scans of selected artworks must be sent to us for digital printing by September 6th 2019
Please note: costs associated with non digital prints ie. Original images and objects proposed for display, for instance insurance and carriage, must be carried by the artist.